As a blogger, one of the best ways to make money with a blog is affiliate marketing.  It’s an appealing way to monetize a blog because the payouts can be very good, and all you have to concentrate on is driving traffic and making conversions.

Here’s an extremely effective strategy for boosting your conversions as a blogger

How to Increase Affiliate Sales

There are many ways to promote affiliate offers as a blogger.  The most common is to write review posts.

I love review posts and I suggest that you write them, but there are other more effective techniques as well.  One trick I like to use is to make the affiliate product an inseparable part of a process.  Here’s what I mean…

Let’s say you write a post about how to start a membership site.  You can assume that people reading your post don’t already know how to do this.  In your post, you mention that you use WishList Member (with an affiliate link) to protect your content and setup recurring payments for your customers.  You then continue to explain how to create a membership site and reference WishList Member whenever necessary.

That’s it.

So why is it so effective?  Because people like to follow instructions.

If you write a decebt guide on creating a membership site, people will want to follow it exactly.  This means they’ll want to use the same tools as you and follow each step along the way.

It’s important that you don’t push the product at all, or this will affect the trust you have with readers.  If you only link to the product casually and simply explain how you use it, visitors will understand WHY they need it and they’ll use your link to further investigate the product.

I don’t recommend linking to other alternatives either.  If you use and recommend the one you consider best, then that’s all that matters.  If someone wants a free solution, guess what?  They’re going to find it themselves.  That’s not a sale you lost, it’s a sale you were bound to never get.

You don’t even need a review of the product on your site either.  By linking to your own review, you are simply putting another step in the way of a sale.  The vendor probably put a lot of money into designing an effective landing page, so let them handle the real conversion work.

This technique is even more powerful in ebooks.  On the web, it’s pretty easy for a visitor to look up alternative solutions themselves.  However, when the reader experiences the process through an ebook instead, they’re less likely to browse and more likely to use your link to visit.

One final point about this tactic: how many reviews can you do of a product?  Just one right?

But this technique has unlimited potential.  You can keep writing different posts that reference products you promote, and keep making passive sales, day after day.

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  1. Can You Make Money Blogging?

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