Youtube is a highly under-rated source of targeted traffic for many bloggers.  I’ve found that with just a few videos, you can start driving some serious traffic back to your site.

What many people wonder is how to get more Youtube views.  I’ve got a few tricks and tactics here that I use and find extremely useful for increasing the amount of views my videos get.

1) Post more videos

This is the simplest, yet most effective way to increase the amount of views your videos get.  When you publish a new video, all of your subscribers will be notified which will get them to view your newest video.  They will likely check out some more of your videos while they’re at it.

Here’s the kicker: the more views your channel has, the more authority your videos will have for ranking in Youtube and Google.  Basically, you will indirectly effect the overall amount of views your videos get each day.

2) Buy Views

Some people scoff at the idea that you should buy Youtube views.  They think that the views are worthless because it’s not real people viewing your video – they’ve missed the point.  It’s not the actual views you buy that matter, but rather the resulting impact on search engine rankings due to increased view counts.

If your video has a few thousand views, it will carry more authority and rank higher than a video with a few dozen.  This results in more real, targeted traffic.

3) Get More Subscribers

Use a call-to-action at the end of every video you make to get more subscribers.  Like views, having more subscribers will make your videos more visible on Youtube and Google.

Also, having Youtube subscribers is just like having RSS subscribers or Twitter followers.  The more you have, the more people you know will find out about something new you have to share.  Posting new vids will have even more impact on your views and rankings with more subscribers.

4) Target Keywords

Targeting keywords is easy and you should do it with every video.  Even if you already have an idea and a title for a new video, look-up a keyword.  Find one that has any amount of search volume in either Youtube’s keyword tool or the Google Adwords one.

Don’t worry if the keyword you target only gets 50 searches a month.  That will be 50 views you would not have had.  Also, keep in mind that lower search volume keywords are also usually lower competition.  This will make it easier to rank and get traffic from them.

5) Make Playlists

Playlists help you get more views in two major ways.

First off, playlists will get you recurring, or repeat views.  If a viewer enjoys a video of yours, they will be taken to the next one automatically when the first ends which encourages more views.  Also, there is a toolbar at the bottom that the viewer can use to quickly select another video they’d like to watch = more views.

The second way playlists help is that they will get you even more traffic from internal Youtube searches.  What many people don’t realize is that playlists get indexed by Youtube separately than videos.  This means you could have a video result and a playlist result for the same keyword.  There is usually at least one playlist on the first page of results for any search query.

6) Embed Them in Posts

If you’ve got a blog then you should occasionally embed your videos in your posts.  This will help get them more views and also more embeds.  As you may know, more embeds is yet another factor for the ranking of a Youtube video.

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